Hi everybody!!
Today´s a bank holiday and instead of being outdoors, I´m sitting in my room, freezing and pouring hot liquid down my throat. I wish it would be April again. I miss the sunny weather. Alas, I can´t change the weather, so I´ve spent the afternoon reading in our beloved JWI book (chapter 22, hurray!!) and the rest of the time idling away, listening to music (I can really recommend "Arcade Fire - Neon Bible" as it is the perfect background music for such a day).

It´s evening now and I think I´m going to reread another book by Douglas Coupland: Eleanor Rigby, which is a fantastic novel. I really love Coupland´s style of writing. Especially this book. It´s about a quite lonely woman in her mid-thirties who suddenly gets to know her son which she had at the tender age of sixteen. But only for a short time, because her son is suffering from MS (multiple sclerosis) and dies after a few months. Nevertheless her short-term encounter with her son leads to further events (there is a very funny episode in a German jail involving a radioactive chunk) in her life, resulting in (of course) a happy end. Although it´s sometimes rather sad Coupland never loses his great sense of humor and therefore this book is wonderful to read.
1 Kommentar:
Since you're obviously not in Graz, I can reassure you that we've got the finest weather here! It's sunny and probably warm (I can only guess at that, because I haven't been out yet. Got to write a blog entry, you know...)
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