Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2007

Our famous bliki/wiki

Hi everybody!!

I´m sitting in class right now and we have to work on our little bliki/wiki. For all of you who are reading my blog and don´t know what our bliki/wiki is, here is a little description:

It´s some sort of a homepage where we (Mr. Newman´s SUKFour Students) can write anything interesting into it. you can create new pages (but we try to shorten the main categories, otherwise it will be a little bit too confusing). But you can create as many subpages as you want.
Right now our main categories are books, movies, culture, expat interviews, videos and fun stuff. You can contribute anything that fits into one of these categories by copy/paste from your blog but if you feel the urge to write something new it´s even better. It´s as easy as pie to contribute.

I know that we all have an awful lot to do this semester but it doesn´t take a lot of time and the more the merrier. So if you want to apply to be a writer just send an e-mail to Mr. Newman.

Have a little look at our bliki/wiki and enjoy reading!!!

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