Samstag, 31. März 2007

Shaken not stirred

Hi everybody!!

Yesterday I was out with the girls. We were having a great time when suddenly this bloke tried to give me a back massage ( which went horribly wrong), resulting in total paralysis of both of my shoulders. So, when reading this post, keep in mind that I am doing this under terrible pain.

I just finished watching the new Bond movie, Casino Royal. I didn´t like the idea of a blond 00 agent in the first place but I must admit that Daniel Craig did an extraordinary job. The plot was very captivating with a lot of villains, beautiful women, a lot of violence and a huge Poker play (I was very eager to watch them play Texas Hold ´Em because I like to play it every once in a while and maybe I could learn something although I´m not betting real money. I´m totally pleased with the knowledge that I would have won a lot of money if it had been real.).
I think I´m going to stop because it is quite late, my shoulders hurt and I have to work tomorrow which means that I have to get my full quota of sleep. Otherwise I won´t be as charming as the customers are used, which will lead further to bad tips which will annoy me even more,... Okay, I got a little bit carried away. Good Night
enjoy reading

Donnerstag, 29. März 2007


I´m soooo proud of myself. I´ve finally managed to put a picture in my profile and a link list (okay, it wasn´t complicated at all, I was just too lazy to check out the help site which offer advice for almost every problem). I think I´m beginning to undertsand how all this blog stuff really works.

Yesterday I read four more chapters of "Jaywalking with the Irish". I wouldn´t go so far to call this book bad because it has its moments. Actually it´s not as bad as I would have thought. I really love the chapter about his friend Bun. He sometimes uses a very strange way of humor which I really like. The only thing that is a little bit annoying is the huge range of sophisticated and unknown vocabulary. I can understand that it is no fun reading when you have to look up ten words per page. At first I really was shocked by the sheer volume of new and unknown words but right know I´m only looking up words in the reduced glossary and if they don´t show up there, I´ll read over them. It´s still a little boring and frustrating but it´s simplifying the whole reading process.

Enjoy reading (my blog, not the book :-) )

Mittwoch, 28. März 2007

Gary Larson is the greatest!!

Hello folks!!!

I´m having my English class right now and we are in the computer room, so why not post something. The last few days I was looking at the different blogs of my classmates and I was quite impressed. Especially Claire´s blog is amazing: She´s a real writer. Now I´m quite ashamed of my blog. However, it will give me new inspiration for my blog and maybe I can copy some ideas??

I`m still figuring out how this blog really works but I am really a fan of the so called trial and error system and actually I can´t break anything. Or maybe I can use the time and ask someone with more experience how some things work.

I must admit that the blogging thing is not as bad as I have thought it would be. I´m still struggeling with the contents. I´m still not sure on what I really should blog about (or what would please the teacher). I will blog about all what I think is remotely interesting and will later ask for confirmation. I can delete some entries if they are not pleasing my teacher´s taste, anyway.

In other news: Yesterday I got my Gary Larson Farside 2007 Off-The-Wall calender delivered ( I know it sounds very strange but its a simple calendar with a cartoon per day). I spent almost the whole day laughing at his brilliant, fantastic and hilarious cartoons. My parentn started collecting his cartoons, so I know and adore him and his work for quite a long time. So everday in the morning I will read something in English ( because ít´s in English) and I´ll also start my day with a laugh.
Maybe I will write another entry when I´m at home. We will see about that.
enjoy reading

Montag, 26. März 2007

I love books

This weekend I´ve been reading quite a lot (despite an invitation to a birthday party). I read three more capters of "Jaywalking with the Irish" and I am also about to finish "A year in Provence". I really love this book by Peter Mayle. It is really funny and entertaining. His stories about the sometimes quite peculiar French people are full of wit but , despite their obvious weirdness, he describes them in such a nice and endearing way that you instantly want to move there. I can recommend this book to everyone.

In other news: Last friday I was working in the video store when a customer came in who exactly looked like Dr. Sheperd. I was holding myself back not to call him Derek.

The birthday party was very funny but I became tired quite early (due to heavy reading) so that I went home. So all in all it was a very calm weekend.

Donnerstag, 22. März 2007

Kiss me, I´m Irish

I am very happy to see that there is already a comment on my blog.

I like to watch Desperate Housewives but I wouldn´t shed a tear if I missed an episode. Gilmore Girls are quite exhausting to watch because they are so talkative and they´re speaking on such a high speed that I´ve completely lost interest . Grey´s Anatomy is all what my little heart desires.

Yesterday we had an interesting lecture about Ireland, held by Lisa Joyce. She started with a little quiz (with a lot of tricky questions) which only a small number of students could answer. Most of us guessed than actually knew the right answer but it was very informative and educational all the same. Then we talked a lot about the severe drinking habit the Irish are into, the rise of the Celtic Tiger and how it affected the everyday life of the Irish and it turned out that not everything is as bright and shiny as most tourists believe. There was a lively discussion going on (mostly about how the Irish manage to drink so much), but time flies by and suddenly class was over. This is also the reason to end my post as there is nothing left to say.
Enjoy reading

Mittwoch, 21. März 2007

2nd try

Well, here it is: my first entry!! (Actually, it is my second but I somehow deleted the first one. Please don´t judge me, but I am totally new to this.)

I´m not exactly sure what this blog is going to look like but I hope that it will be interesting to read. I´m planning to use this blog as some sort of diary where I put all the English-related stuff I´ve done and/or tell everyone about the interesting and exciting things that happened or will happen to me.

I was quite lazy this weekend but I had a cold and was therefore excused. One week it is perfectly mild and sunny and on the next one fierce winds are blowing and it is snowing. Honestly, these strange weather conditions are really driving me crazy.

I´ve spent nearly the whole weekend watching twelve (12!!) episodes of Grey´s Anatomy. I admit that I am addicted to this show. I also tried to read the third chapter of "Jaywalking with the Irish" but after the Grey´s Anatomy marathon my eyes hurt so much that I had to give up. So, all in all I did something for my English class. I brushed up on my medical vocabulary.

Well, I´m really looking forward to how this blog´s going to look like in the end. It is a totally new and unknown approach for me to improve my writing skills (although I strongly doubt that writing a blog entry will ever be a task on the exam). However, I´m keeping my fingers crossed that this little project will turn out to be a success.

Enjoy reading!!