I am very happy to see that there is already a comment on my blog.
I like to watch Desperate Housewives but I wouldn´t shed a tear if I missed an episode. Gilmore Girls are quite exhausting to watch because they are so talkative and they´re speaking on such a high speed that I´ve completely lost interest . Grey´s Anatomy is all what my little heart desires.
Yesterday we had an interesting lecture about Ireland, held by Lisa Joyce. She started with a little quiz (with a lot of tricky questions) which only a small number of students could answer. Most of us guessed than actually knew the right answer but it was very informative and educational all the same. Then we talked a lot about the severe drinking habit the Irish are into, the rise of the Celtic Tiger and how it affected the everyday life of the Irish and it turned out that not everything is as bright and shiny as most tourists believe. There was a lively discussion going on (mostly about how the Irish manage to drink so much), but time flies by and suddenly class was over. This is also the reason to end my post as there is nothing left to say.
Enjoy reading
1 Kommentar:
Have you ever been to Ireland, Eva? Congratulations for the high score in the Irish quiz;)
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